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bench Meaning in Tamil ( bench வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


நீண்ட இருக்கை,

bench தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


bench's Usage Examples:

A sort of table or bench stands outside, used by the men only, for meals and for the subsequent siesta.

Letters exist written by Colbert to the judges requiring them to sentence to the oar as many criminals as possible, including all those who had been condemned to death; and the convict once chained to the bench, the expiration of his sentence was seldom allowed to bring him release.

Abbott?Their plan is for the most part that of a house, with a door of entrance and passage leading into a central chamber or atrium, with others of smaller size opening from it, each having a stone-hewn bench or triclinium on three of its sides, on which the dead, frequently a pair of corpses side by side, were laid as if at a banquet.

Judge Adamson arrived and there followed more conversation at the bench and in the judge's chambers than in the courtroom.

When Panorama put out a program which included some Conservative backbenchers expressing doubts about the use of military force she was consumed with rage.

Mud Slinger General in Chief of the Tory back benchers earned David Shaw (Ex Con.

In Germany wooden mallets were used in the synagogue to beat the benches when Haman's name was read out from the scroll of Esther, and during the festivities these mallets were sometimes used on the heads of the bystanders.

We were shown the workshop, with its rows of old wooden workbenches.

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Before the Judicature Act the king's bench and the common pleas were each presided over by a lord chief justice, and the lord chief justice of the king's bench was nominal head of all the three courts, and held the title of lord chief justice of England.

But in 1756, when the government was evidently approaching its fall, an unexpected vacancy occurred in the chief justiceship of the king's bench, and he claimed the office, being at the same time raised to the peerage as Baron Mansfield.

6 a under the suspicion of being prompted by party feeling, and by an act of 1868 the jurisdiction was finally transferred to judges of the High Court, notwithstanding the general unwillingness of the bench to accept a class of business which they feared might bring their integrity into dispute.

bureaucracyManagement isn't about faceless bureaucracies imposing morning calisthenics at the desk or workbench.


prie-dieu, settle, window seat, penalty box, park bench, seat, flat bench, church bench, settee, banquette, pew,


rise, disagree, war, lie, stand,

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