basalt Meaning in Tamil ( basalt வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)
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basalt தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:
இந்த கற்கள் முழுக்கமுழுக்க தென்னிந்திய பாறைவகையைச்சேர்ந்தது என்றார்.
மேலும் இவையே கடற்கரையில் காணப்படும் முக்கிய பாறைவகையாம்.
basalt's Usage Examples:
There occur also quartz-porphyry (Sierra Morena, Pyrenees, 'c), diorite, porphyrite, diabase (well developed in the north of Andalusia, where it plays a great part in the structure of the Sierra Morena), ophite (Pyrenees, Cadiz), serpentine (forming an enormous mass in the Serrania de Ronda), trachyte, liparite, andesite, basalt.
Geology On entering the county at the south, a scarped barrier of hills is seen beyond the Lagan valley, marking the edge of the basaltic plateaus, and running almost continuously round the coast to Red Bay.
The volcanic fissures that allowed of the upwelling of basalt are represented by numerous dykes, many cutting the earlier lava-flows as well as all the beds below them.
The basalts are submarine flows which formed the basis of the land upon which grew the vegetation which gave rise to the coals; the effusion of dolerite which covered up the Coal formation was subaerial.
wide, the Elbe carves a path through the basaltic mass of the Mittelgebirge, churning its way through a deep, narrow rocky gorge.
In the Miocene period andesites of various kinds were erupted, while at the close of the Pliocene began the great eruptions of basalt which reached their maximum in Quaternary times and continue to the present day.
, have all been built up out of the shallow waters of the lagoon round about the entrance of the harbour, with high sea-walls composed of the same huge basaltic prisms.
A syenite massif of this age occurs at Mittagong; and leucite has been discovered in Carboniferous basalts by David.
These are worked in brown basalt, syenite, porphyry, alabaster and limestone.
The Carboniferous beds contain numerous sheets and flows of basalt and andesite.
Where lava has been piled up in successive nearly horizontal sheets, with occasional layers of tuff or other softer rock between them, it offers conditions peculiarly favourable for the formation of escarpments, as in the wide basalt plateaus of the Inner Hebrides.
The tree has a remarkable appearance, due to shedding its primary branches for about five-sixths of its height and replacing them by a small bushy growth, the whole resembling a tall column crowned with foliage, suggesting to its discoverer, Captain Cook, a tall column of basalt.
oligoclase, plagioclase, pyroxene, volcanic rock,