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barometer Meaning in Tamil ( barometer வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


காற்றின் அழுத்தத்தைக் கணக்கிடும் கருவி, காற்றழுத்த மானி,

barometer's Usage Examples:

The polar regions are sensitive barometers of climate change, and we value their biodiversity.

He invented the wheel barometer, discussed the application of barometrical indications to meteorological forecasting, suggested a system of optical telegraphy, anticipated E.

Hecker took the opportunity of a voyage from Hamburg to La Plata, and in 1904 and 1905 of voyages in the Indian and Pacific Oceans to determine the local attraction over the ocean by comparing the atmospheric pressure measured by means of a mercurial barometer and a boiling-point thermometer, and obtained results similar to Scott Hansen's.

Available with thermometers, barometers and compasses, the Pathfinder is a great tool for the man on the move.

(17) For sea water, A is about 25,000 atmospheres, and k is then 25,000 times the height of the water barometer, about 250,000 metres, so that in an ocean 10 kilometres deep the level is lowered about 200 metres by the compressibility of the water; and the density at the bottom is increased 4%.

And the weight of air displaced depends upon the density of the air at the time of weighing, and therefore the barometer reading must be taken.

In cases where the density of the air is not of average value, as on a high mountain, or with an exceptionally low barometer for example, an allowance must be made.

The first volume of the Histoire et memoires de l'Academie (1733) contains many original papers by him upon a great variety of physical subjects, such as the motion of fluids, the nature of colour, the notes of the trumpet, the barometer, the fall of bodies, the recoil of guns, the freezing of water, 'c.

" Interest," he says in general, " is the barometer of the state, and its lowness an almost infallible sign of prosperity," arising, as it does, from increased trade, frugality in the merchant class, and the consequent rise of new lenders: low interest and low profits mutually forward each other.

This method was developed by Hofmann in 1868, who replaced the short tube of Gay-Lussac by an ordinary barometer tube, thus effecting the volatilization in a Torricellian vacuum.

The substance is weighed into a small stoppered bottle, which is then placed beneath the mouth of the barometer tube.


measuring instrument, weatherglass, aneroid barometer, mercury barometer, aneroid, barograph, measuring device, measuring system,



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