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barley Meaning in Tamil ( barley வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


வாற் கோதுமை,

barley தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


barley's Usage Examples:

These show differences amounting to 2,106,470 acres for wheat, 1,059,504 acres for barley, and 529,699 acres for oats.

So also at Lanuvium, south of Rome, in a grove near the temple of the Argive Hera, sacred maidens descended blindfolded once a year with a barley-cake, and if the serpent took it, it indicated that they were pure and that the husbandmen would be fortunate.

, in the fields, and they, like the ordinary conidia, readily infect the seedling wheat, oats, barley or other cereals.

Nitrogen must, however, be applied with caution as it makes the barley rich in albumen, and highly albuminous barley keeps badly and easily loses its germinating capacity.

Was it some kind of rhetorical flourish, just words that sounded good?While maize thrives in every part of the country, wheat, barley and oats - cultivated by the white farmers - flourish only in the midlands and uplands.

Wheat and barley were the chief crops, and another plant, perhaps identical with the durra, i.

Besides wheat, the following crops are to a greater or less extent cultivated - barley, millet, sesame, maize, beans, peas, lentils, kursenni (a species of vetch used as camel-food) and, in some parts of the country, tobacco.

75) ranked first among the barley-producing states of the country, but in the total amount produced (304,000 bushels) held only the twenty-second place; and in the same year the average yield of potatoes per acre in Nevada was 180 bushels, exceeded in two states - the average for the entire country was 106.

Spring barley cultivars were grouped on the basis of their responses to three isolates.

Their favourite drink is thong, distilled from rice or barley and millet, and Marwa, beer made from fermented millet.

At the base are found vines and maize; on the lower slopes are green pastures, or wheat, barley and other kinds of corn; above are often forests of oak, ash, elm, 'c.

The district produces wheat, maize, barley and tobacco; sericulture and viticulture are both practised on a limited scale.

The staple crop is barley, but wheat, lentils, vetches, flax and gourds are also cultivated.


barleycorn, cereal, grain, food grain, common barley, pearl barley, Hordeum vulgare,


bigness, largeness,

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