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bareness Meaning in Tamil ( bareness வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

புனையா நிலை

bareness's Usage Examples:

) begun to endeavour after an amalgamation of the Spinozistic conception of substance with the Platonic view of an ideal realm, and to find therein the means of enriching the bareness of absolute reason.

The greater richness of tone of the modern pianoforte is a better compensation for any bareness that may be imputed to pure two-part or three-part writing than a filling out which deprives the listener of the power to follow the essential lines of the music.

For the woman who may not want the bareness of a bikini, but still prefers a two-piece bathing suit, tankinis by Christina will keep you stylishly outfitted for summertime fun.

To this succeeds a noteworthy example of the Deuteronomic treatment of tradition in the achievement of Othniel the only Judaean "judge," The bareness of detail, not to speak of the improbability of the situation, renders its genuineness doubtful, and the passage is one of the indications of a secondary Deuteronomic redaction.

It was, of course, not to be expected that an Oxonian Tory should praise the Presbyterian polity and ritual, or that an eye accustomed to the hedgerows and parks of England should not be struck by the bareness of Berwickshire and East Lothian.

He failed to register the familiar, yet not familiar glance of fingers on the bareness of his body.

Its chief characteristic is the bareness and aridity of its surface; one-third of the whole desert, and of the remainder only a small proportion is suited to settled life, owing to its scanty water-supply and uncertain rainfall.


plainness, starkness,


cheerfulness, unsociability, closeness,

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