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baptist Meaning in Tamil ( baptist வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஞானஸ்நானத்தைப் பற்றி அறிந்த பிறகு ஞானஸ்நானம் செய்யப்பட வேண்டும் என்னும் கோட்பாடு உடையவர்,

baptist's Usage Examples:

The General Baptists were Arminian, owing to the influence of the Mennonite Anabaptists.

But three earls of his own house - Carlisle, Suffolk and Berkshire - and the Lord Howard of Escrick, an ex-trooper of Cromwell's guard and an anabaptist sectary, gave their votes against him, his nephew Mowbray being the only peer of his name in the minority for acquittal.

Asti has still numerous medieval towers, a fine Gothic cathedral of the 14th century, the remains of a Christian basilica of the 6th century, and the octagonal baptistery of S.

Victor (rebuilt1580-1615and 1795), to which is attached an ancient baptistery (dating from the 9th century but rebuilt in the 13th).

Though baptisteries were forbidden to be used as burial-places by the council of Auxerre (578) they were not uncommonly used as such.

After the 9th century few baptisteries were built, the most noteworthy of later date being those at Pisa, Florence, Padua, Lucca and Parma.

Meanwhile, they were to make no further innovations, they were not to molest the conservatives, and were to aid the emperor in suppressing the doctrines of Zwingli and of the Anabaptists.

They made it clear that they still held a great part of the beliefs of the medieval Church, especially as represented in Augustine's writings, and repudiated the radical notions of the Anabaptists and of Zwingli.

Tower forms a narrow west apse and serves as a baptistry.

St Martin's, built between the 10th and 12th centuries, has a fine baptistery; St Gereon's, built in the 11th century on the site of a Roman rotunda, is noted for its mosaics, and glass and oil-paintings; the Minorite church, begun in the same year as the cathedral, contains the tomb of Duns Scotus.

Unhappily the Anabaptists have always been remembered by the crimes of John of Leiden and the revelry of Munster.

The font itself is interesting for its early form, one common in the chief baptisteries of northern Italy: like an island in the centre of the great octagonal tank is a lobed marble receptacle, in which the officiating priest stood while he immersed the catechumens.


Protestant, Baptist Church, Northern Baptist, Southern Baptist, Tunker, Baptists, Dunkard, Dunker,


Anglican, Nonconformist,

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