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bant Meaning in Tamil ( bant வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தேவையுறு, தேவை உடையதாக இரு, இல்லாமை, தேவை,


வேண்டு, விருப்பம் கொள்,

bant's Usage Examples:

In the midst of his sufferings, however, his zeal and energy kept him in continual occupation; when expostulated with for such unseasonable toil, he replied, "Would you that the Lord should find me idle when He comes ?"His banter is nearly always ungainly, his wit blunt, as Johnson said, and often unseasonable.

The Roman Catholic element preponderates in the southern provinces of Limburg, and North Brabant, but in Friesland, Groningen and Drente the Baptists and Christian Reformed are most numerous.

oglequick opening frame has sexy Kitten bantering with ogling construction workers and pushing a pram while telling the tale to its infant occupant.

"de la Serre) as "one of the finest, largest and best-situated cities not only of Brabant but of the whole of Europe.

JOYEUSE ENTREE, a famous charter of liberty granted to Brabant by Duke John III.

the word bntng, think first of bintang, a star; but the word might also mean a large scar, to throw down, to spread, rigid, mutilated, enceinte, a kind of cucumber, a redoubt, according as it is pronounced, bantang, banting, bentang, buntang, buntung, bunting, bonteng, benteng.

He 's much better at comedy, and the humorous banter between him and his costars has a nice zing to it.

brimful of spirits, and the lessons were accompanied by a running commentary of banter and chaff.

I 'm guessing that the front end would be a tad light, so skittish and liable to break loose under hard cornering?Poor Mahatma has now taken to cornering our little bantams at every available opportunity and displaying his tail to them.

Tom and Ray, also known as the "Click" and "Clack" or the Tappet Brothers," attempt to troubleshoot these issues while bantering with one another and the callers.

frontalis), confined to the hills of the north-east frontier, where it is domesticated for sacrificial purposes by the aboriginal tribes, and the tsine or banting (B.

Centum sagittarios ad pugnam aptissimos Robertus latrociniis aluit, quos 400 viri fortissimi invadere non audebant.

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