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baldi Meaning in Tamil ( baldi வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



baldi தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

மயிரற்ற தோல் (glabrous skin) பகுதிகளைத் தவிர்த்து, மனிதர்களின் தோல்பகுதி முழுவதும் தடித்த இறுதியான மற்றும் நயமான இளமயிர்களை உருவாக்கும் மயிர்க்கால்கள் பரவியுள்ளன.

baldi's Usage Examples:

He published Garibaldi and the Making of Italy (1911); Life of John Bright (1913); Clio, a Muse, and other Essays (1913); Scenes from Italy's War (1919).

In 18 J9 he joined the revolutionary committee which paved the way for Garibaldi's triumphs in the following year; then after spending a short time at Turin as attache to the Italian foreign office he was elected mayor of Palermo.

On the of th of August 1862, however, he encountered a forte under Bis Jiavicini at Aspromonte, and, although Garibaldi ordered his in.

Returning to Messina, Garibaldi found a letter from Victor Emmanuel II.

In 1861 his intervention envenomed the Cavour-Garibaldi dispute, royal mediation alone preventing a duel between him and Garibaldi.

Liberated by an amnesty, Garibaldi returned once more to Caprera amidst general sympathy.

The two detectives entered the office, and the clerk, a bored and balding retiree, looked up from a crossword puzzle and, recogniz­ing Hunter, frowned.

In 1860 he conducted the third Garibaldian expedition to Sicily, defeated two Neapolitan brigades at Piale (August 23), and marched victoriously upon Naples, where he was appointed minister of war, and took part in organizing the plebiscite.

Stalker currently has a rather pink patch on his balding scalp, which is nice.

Fanti's firmness led to Garibaldi's resignation.

The Garibaldians, mowed down by the new French chassept rifles, fought until their last cartridges were exhausted, and retreated the next day towards the Italian frontier, leaving 800 prisoners.

In spite of the vigilance of the warships he escaped on the s4th of GarIbaldi October and landed in.

Once established at Palermo, Garibaldi organized an army to liberate Naples and march upon Rome, a plan opposed by the emissaries of Cavour, who desired the immediate annexation of Sicily to the Italian kingdom.

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