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backseat Meaning in Tamil ( backseat வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



backseat தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


backseat's Usage Examples:

We piled it in the trunk and backseat.

Vertical skateboarding took a backseat to the popularity of street skating, and now his wife, a manicurist, was responsible for earning the family income.

Pierre crammed himself into the backseat.

Amidst the hoopla about who's cheating on who, who's having who's baby, when so-and-so will get caught and various other shenanigans, soap opera ratings seem to take a bit of a backseat - at least to the audience.

Ashley unlocked the doors, and Jessi climbed into the tiny backseat, followed by Brandon.

Most infant seats come with a base that can be fastened into the backseat and left in there for as long as it is needed.

As the mercury rises and your daydreams of a beach vacation kick into high gear, your spring wardrobe takes a bit of a backseat.

Unwilling to see her death, she closed her eyes, never imagining she'd ever be hurtling towards some distant planet in an escape pod booby-trapped to kill her!I knew when we started this business it was like I was in the backseat of Thelma and Louise's car hurtling toward a cliff edge.

Additionally, empty the trunk or backseat of anything heavy that takes up space or adds extra weight.

Once baby is here, however, pets can quickly take a backseat to an adored newborn.

She was in a car with one of Talon's men, her crumpled body at an awkward angle jammed in the small area between the backseat and the driver's seat.

He leaned over the seat and began rummaging through his backseat accumulation as the vehicle began to slide backwards.

Talon all but threw them both into the backseat while he climbed into the driver's seat.


dickie-seat, dicky, seat, dickey, dickie, dickey-seat, dicky-seat,


high quality, high status, lie, stand, unimpaired,

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