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baboo Meaning in Tamil ( baboo வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)




baboo தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

டெல்லி கணேஷ் நடித்த திரைப்படங்கள் சேத்தன் பாபூர் (Chetan Baboor) என்பவர் ஓர் இந்திய மேசைப் பந்தாட்ட வீர்ர் ஆவார்.


Babool (Acacia nilotica) flowers at Hodal W IMG 1163.

html] - Globalization and Babool Gum.

baboo's Usage Examples:

In the wild, the gelada baboons have a complex society, forming groups of up to 600 animals.

Of other useful woods found in the plains may be named the babool, Acacia; toon, Cedrela; and sissoo, Dalbergia.

The results of this experiment with the baboon and of those with the birds are precisely what would be expected if the theory of mimicry is true.

Of the approximate size of an English mastiff, this powerful baboon is blackish grey in colour with a tinge of green due to the yellow rings on most of the hairs.

Together with man and the baboons, the anthropoid apes form the group known to science as Catarhini, those, that is, possessing a narrow nasal septum, and are thus easily distinguishable from the flat-nosed monkeys or Platyrhini.

MANDRILL (a name formed by the prefix "man" to the word "drill," which was used in ancient literature to denote an ape, and is probably of West African origin), the common title of the most hideous and most brilliantly coloured of all the African monkeys collectively denominated baboons and constituting the genus Papio.

with the exception of the bare chest, which is reddish flesh-colour, the gelada recalls the Arabian baboon (Papio hamadryas), and from this common feature it has been proposed to place the two species in the same genus.

The jackal stands for Anup, the hawk for Har, the frog for Hekt, the baboon for Tahuti, and Ptah, Asiri, Hesi, Nebhat, Hat-hor, Neit, Khnum and Amun-hor are all written out phonetically, but never represented in pictures.

GELADA, the Abyssinian name of a large species of baboon, differing from the members of the genus Papio (see Baboon) by the nostrils being situated some distance above the extremity of the muzzle, and hence made the type of a separate genus, under the name of Theropithecus gelada.

The gelada inhabits the mountains of Abyssinia, where, like other baboons, it descends in droves to pillage cultivated lands.

Of animals still found may be mentioned baboons and monkeys, the leopard, red lynx (Felis caracal), spotted hyena, aard wolf, wild cat, long-eared fox, jackals of various kinds, the dassie or rock rabbit, the scaly anteater, the ant bear (aardvaark), the mongoose and the spring haas, a rodent of the jerboa family.

Most of the research into using animals as a source of organs for human transplants has been done using baboons and pigs.

The elephant, giraffe, lion, leopard, hyena, zebra, buffalo, gnu, quagga, kudu, eland and many other kinds of antelope roamed the plains; the rhinoceros, hippopotamus and crocodile lived in or frequented the rivers, and ostriches and baboons were numerous.


man, adult male, babu,


woman, juvenile, female, civilian,

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