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babel Meaning in Tamil ( babel வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


குழப்பமான ஒளி,

babel's Usage Examples:

Susanna, where the point lies in the name Daniel " God is judge "), Esther, Judith, Tobit (and the Ahiqar cycle of stories), the story of Zerubbabel (i Esd.

In the latter part of the 6th century we find some restoration, some revival of the old monarchy in the person of Zerubbabel (520 B.

1-11) Haggai addresses Zerubbabel and Joshua, rebuking the people for leaving the temple unbuilt while they are busy in providing panelled houses for themselves.

Although there is no psalm which can be shown with any probability to be pre-exilic, it is not impossible that there are some which date from as early a time as the age of Zerubbabel, by whose appointment national hopes were raised to so high a pitch.

);"(b) the gaps in the history between the fall of Samaria (722) and Jerusalem (586) to the rise of the hierocracy, and (c) the relation between the hints of renewed political activity in Zerubbabel's time, when the Temple was rebuilt (c.

, and relates to the restoration of the temple and, perhaps, the elevation of Zerubbabel to the throne of David.

Zerubbabel is certainly meant here, and, if the received text names Joshua instead of him (vi.

Nehemiah naturally gives us only his version, and the attitude of Haggai and Zechariah to Zerubbabel may illustrate the feeling of his partisans.

The characteristic features of the book are the importance assigned to the personality of Zerubbabel, who, though a living contemporary, is marked out as the Messiah; and the almost sacramental significance attached to the temple.

20-23, Zerubbabel is assured of God's special love and protection in the impending catastrophe of kingdoms and nations to which the prophet had formerly pointed as preceding the glorification of God's house on Zion.

In Zerubbabel the people beheld once more a ruler of the Davidic race.

Ben Sira indeed in his list of worthies mentions Zerubbabel, Joshua and Nehemiah; but Zerubbabel and Joshua he must have known from the books of Haggai and Zechariah, and he may well have been acquainted with that document relating to Nehemiah which the Chronicler incorporated with his book.

In the book of Zechariah Zerubbabel has already fallen into the background and the high priest is the leading figure of the Judean community.


Babylon, Tower of Babel,



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