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azote Meaning in Tamil ( azote வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


azote's Usage Examples:

It has been supposed that this theory was suggested to him either by researches on olefiant gas and carburetted hydrogen or by analysis of "protoxide and deutoxide of azote," both views resting on the authority of Dr Thomas Thomson (1773-1852), professor of chemistry in Glasgow university.

Thus oxygen gas, at the end of the 18th century, was known as dephlogisticated air, nitrogen or azote as phlogisticated air, hydrogen as inflammable air, carbonic acid gas as fixed air.

, "non-vital air," azote, or nitrogen remaining behind.

Obstruction or rupture of the urinary tract distal to the renal pelvis will result in a post-renal azotemia.

'It has been supposed that this theory was suggested to him either by researches on olefiant gas and carburetted hydrogen or by analysis of "protoxide and deutoxide of azote," both views resting on the authority of Dr Thomas Thomson (1773-1852), professor of chemistry in Glasgow university.

The list of simple substances contained in the first volume of this work includes# light and caloric with oxygen, azote and hydrogen.

, and of ozone, attempts to obtain free fluorine by the electrolysis of fused fluorides, and the discovery of anhydrous hydrofluoric acid and of a series of acides sulphazotes, the precise nature of which long remained a matter of discussion.

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