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axillary Meaning in Tamil ( axillary வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



axillary's Usage Examples:

female has six teats, of which four are inguinal and two axillary, and the placenta is zonary and deciduous.

Each podium consists of a portion of the stem bearing one or more leaves, each with an axillary bud or buds, and terminating in a tendril or an inflorescence.

The commonest seat is the groin, and next to that the axilla; the cervical, submaxillary and femoral glands are less frequently affected.

Maxillary vertical, loosely attached, toothed; mandible toothless; a single pair of pelvis bones: Typhlopidae.

They are borne in terminal or axillary panicles, clusters, corymbs or cymes, which are often spherical or domed.

In this study, none of the first maxillary molars show occlusal surface caries.

- Tailed batrachians, with the frontals distinct from the parietals and the palatines from the maxillary.

coxal (maxillary) process, the apical segment tipped with a single movable or immovable claw; appendages of 3rd pair different from the remainder, tactile in function, with at least the apical segment many-jointed and clawless.

The nasal cavity communicates with the mouth by the choanae or posterior flares, situated between the palatine process of the maxillary, the palatine and the vomer.

The maxillary and dentary bones carry teeth on their whole length.

This lateral course is due to the more vigorous growth of the axillary branch formed near the base of each flower, which is a terminal structure, and, except in the female flower of Cycas, puts a limit to the apical growth of the stem.





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