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awry Meaning in Tamil ( awry வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கோணலான, இடக்குமுடக்கான,

awry தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஜெர்மானிய மொழியில் உருக்கோணலான எனப் பொருள்.

ஆதம்(அலைஹிஸ்ஸலாம்)அவர்களின் விலாஎலும்பிலிருந்து ஒரு கோணலான எலும்பைக்கொண்டு அவர்களுக்கு துணையாக ஹவ்வா(அலைஹிஸ்ஸலாம்) (ஏவாளின் அரபு வடிவம்) அவர்களை இறைவன் படைத்தான்.

awry's Usage Examples:

But in 1696 for his boldness in granting absolution on the scaffold to Sir John Friend and Sir William Parkyns, who had attempted the assassination of William, he was obliged to flee, and for the rest of his life continued under sentence of outlawry.

He presented a measure in favour of full liberty for the press, which at that time was almost unanimously reactionary, protested against the outlawry of returned emigres, spoke in favour of the deported priests and attacked the Directory.

Sadly, even the best laid plans sometimes go awry.

He supported Lord Camden's decision against general warrants, and reversed the outlawry of Wilkes.

Oftentimes, the thief will change the address on the account so he or she has more time to use it before the victim notices anything is awry.

Royalty and the Church, when they acquire the lead in social life, work out a new penal system based on outlawry, death penalties and corporal punishments, which make their first appearance in the legislation of Withraed and culminate in that of !Ethelred and Canute.

Something had gone awry, or so the twins found out a day or two later, although Vinnie swore everything went according to plan and they hadn't done anything wrong.

The voice of reason and something of a moral authority, Frylock uses his fries as limbs while trying to protect Meatwad from Shake's wrath, as well as generally smoothing out ill-conceived schemes gone predictably awry.

The refusal of Lucien to put the vote of outlawry, for which the majority of the council clamoured, his opportune closing of the sitting, and his appeal to the soldiers outside to disperse les representants du poignard, turned the scale in favour of his brother.

For some children with autism, the repeated, active interaction provided by intensive educational/behavioral therapy may modify their neural circuitry before it goes too much awry, correcting it before autism becomes permanent.

Whitefield's visits raised a band of pioneer preachers, cultured and uncultured, men who knew their Bibles but often interpreted them awry.

Returns and exchange policy - despite the best made plans, things can go awry, therefore checking that the jeweler will accept the piece of jewelry back for exchange is useful.

The Five Hundred, meeting in the Orangerie of the palace, had by this time seen through the plot; and, on the entrance of the general with four grenadiers, several deputies rushed at him, shook him violently, while others vehemently demanded a decree of outlawry against the new Cromwell.


lopsided, crooked, wonky, skew-whiff, cockeyed, askew,


lawful, dishonesty, honest, direct, straight,

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