<< awave away! >>

away Meaning in Tamil ( away வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தூரமாய், அப்புறமாக, அப்பால்,

away தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இந்தியாவில் உள்ள மலை வாழிடங்கள் செயிண்ட் பியேர் (Saint-Pierre) கனடாவின் நியூ பவுண்ட்லாந்து கடற்கரைக்கு அப்புறமாக அமைந்துள்ள பிரான்சிய கடல்கடந்த தொகுப்புகளில் ஒன்றான செயிண்ட் பியேர் மற்றும் மீகேலோனின் தலைநகரம் ஆகும்.

away's Usage Examples:

As Dulce had pointed out, he was trying to get away from the family.

She clutched his sleeve as he turned away.

For not shying away from controversy alone Griffith deserves his merits.

Catholic romanticism had withered Alienation away in France, as it had in Germany.

"Maybe I'll call the state and see if I can get a number where we can reach Martha," Dean said as they put away the tools of their trade.

"Jessie's husband passed away and she moved in with her cantankerous father-in-law Gus (Wilford Brimley).

In fact, because there are so many great musicals out there, starting from this perspective may actually whittle away some of your choices, and thus, make it easier to choose the best musical for your cast.

Additionally, windy conditions add an element of danger to open fire cooking, as sparks can blow away to an area where there are flammable objects and cause dangerous and damaging fires.

Some kinds of rice should never be rinsed prior to cooking since you risk washing away valuable nutrients, especially those rices that are vitamin and mineral enriched.

The Temple, palace and city buildings were burned, the walls broken down, the chief priest Seraiah, the second priest Zephaniah, and other leaders were put to death, and a large body of people was again carried away.

pertinacious, pertinax, because it works away all the time at the same thing.

But I must put away these idle fancies until we meet again.


off, forth,


right, inaccuracy, active,

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