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avert Meaning in Tamil ( avert வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



avert's Usage Examples:

She kept her face averted when she felt his strong warm fingers grip her arm.

The Christian powers of the Mediterranean did really combine to avert the ruin of Christendom.

For a while it seemed that even this would not avert a European war.

9), and this was the judgment which Hezekiah's repentance averted.

She kept her face averted until the warmth left her cheeks.

These officials, at the command of the senate, consulted the Sibylline books in order to discover, not exact predictions of definite future events, but the religious observances necessary to avert extraordinary calamities (pestilence, earthquake) and to expiate prodigies in cases where the national deities were unable, or unwilling, to help.

But though he was unable to extract the best results from parliament he was always able to avert its worst excesses.

The disgust aroused by the anti-national policy of Antony, and the danger to the empire which was averted by the result of the battle of Actium, combined with the confidence inspired by the new ruler to reconcile the great families as well as the great body of the people to the new order of things.

Knowledge, intrepidity and tact carried Parkman through these experiences unscathed, and good luck kept him clear of encounters with hostile Indians, in which these qualities might not have sufficed to avert destruction.

In this way the danger of warping is averted, and exudations from the wooden surface are prevented from reaching the overlaid coats of lacquer.


stave off, forbid, forefend, forfend, deflect, debar, head off, obviate, forestall, fend off, ward off, avoid, prevent, foreclose, preclude,


refrain, consume, validate, confront, let,

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