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auricle Meaning in Tamil ( auricle வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


வெளிக்காது, இருதயத்தின் மேல் அறை,

auricle தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

வெளிக்காது மடல் உண்டு.

auricle's Usage Examples:

A, View of the heart of a dog infested with Filaria immitis Leidy; the right ventricle and base of the pulmonary artery have been opened: a, aorta; b, pulmonary artery; c, vena cava; d, right ventricle; e, appendix of left auricle; f, appendix of right auricle.

The openings of the auricles into the ventricle vary in different forms.

the floor of the pericardial bb, Cut remnant of the auricle.

b, buccal mass; m, retractor muscles of the buccal mass; ov, ovary; od, oviduct; i, coils of intestines; ao, aorta; c', left auricle; c, ventricle.

Heart has only a single auricle, neither heart nor pericardium traversed by rectum.

The heart in Patella consists of a single auricle (not two as in Haliotis and Fissurella) and a ventricle; the former receives the blood from the branchial vein, the latter distributes it through a large aorta which soon leads into irregular blood-lacunae.

and of two auricles which open into the ventricle by orifices protected by valves.

A dorsal contractile heart, with symmetrical right and left auricles receiving aerated blood from the ctenidia and mantle skirt, is present, being unequally developed only in those few forms which are inequivalve.

f, Gill lamellae (not ctenidia, but organs of the pallial complex, having two kidneys, in some cases two branchiae, and two auricles.

The essential feature of the asymmetry of Gastropoda is the atrophy or disappearance of the primitively left half of the circumanal complex (the right half in sinistral forms), including the gill, the auricle, the osphradium, the hypobranchial gland and the kidney.


atrial auricle, auricula atrii, atrium of the heart, pouch, pocket, atrium cordis,


effector, inattention, give,

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