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augite Meaning in Tamil ( augite வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



augite தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

புவியோட்டுப் பாறைகளில் பெரும்பான்மையாகக் காணப்படும் கனிமங்களாக குவார்ட்சு (படிக வடிவ SiO2), பெல்ட்சுபார், மைகா, குளோரைட்டு, காவோலின், கால்சைட்டு, எபிடோட்டு, ஒலிவைன், ஆகைட்டு, ஆர்ன்ப்ளெண்ட், மாக்னடைட், ஹேமடைட், லிமோனைட் மற்றும் இன்னும் சில அமைகின்றன.

augite's Usage Examples:

The olive green syenite found on Mount Ascutney, near the Connecticut river, in Windsor county, is a hornblendeaugite.

In Minahassa, at the northern extremity, there is a large area of tuffs and agglomerates consisting chiefly of augite andesite, and in this area there are many recent volcanic cones.

The rocks of Tristan da Cunha are felspathic basalt, dolerite, augite-andesite, sideromelane and palagonite; some specimens of the basalt have porphyritic augite.

Some are black, very thin and curved like threads or hairs (trichites); often a group of these is seated on a small crystal of augite or magnetite and spreads outwards on all sides.

The larger ones polarize light, have angular outlines like those of crystals, and may even show twinning and definite optical properties by which they can be identified as belonging to felspar, augite or some other rock-forming mineral.

The pyroxenes may be pale green diopside, dark green aegirine-augite, or blackish green aegirine (soda iron pyroxene), and in many cases are complex, the outer portions being aegirine while the centre is diopside.

Magnesium is found widely distributed in nature, chiefly in the forms of silicate, carbonate and chloride, and occurring in the minerals olivine, hornblende, talc, asbestos, meerschaum, augite, dolomite, magnesite, carnallite, kieserite and kainite.

The cones themselves are composed largely of acid andesites, but many of the lavas are augite andesites and basalts.

Chlorite arises from biotite, augite and hornblende.

Quincy granite takes a very high polish, owing to the absence of mica and to the coarser cleavage of its hornblende and augite.





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