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attorn Meaning in Tamil ( attorn வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

மற்றொருவருக்கு மாற்று

attorn தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இவர் பற்களை ஒருவரிடமிருந்து மற்றொருவருக்கு மாற்றுப்பதிப்பதில் (transplantation) முன்னோடியாகத் திகழ்ந்தார்.

attorn's Usage Examples:

This number belongs to an attorney in Simi Valley, California.

He was the son of Richard Bright, the physician who first diagnosed " Bright's disease " in 1827, and his mother was Eliza Follett, sister of Sir William Follett, who was solicitor-general and attorney-general in Peel's administration (1834-44).

In 1848, largely on account of his personal attachment to Martin Van Buren, he participated in the revolt of the "Barnburner" or free-soil faction of the New York Democrats, and in 1855 was the candidate of the "softshell," or anti-slavery, faction for attorney-general of the state.

Hire an attorney if creditors are persistently hassling you for payment to accounts that are not your legal obligation.

"The county officers are sheriffs, coroners, prothonotaries, registers of wills, recorders of deeds, commissioners, treasurers, surveyors, auditors or comptrollers, clerks of the courts, and district attorneys, elected for three years.

The attorney quickly recovered and half slid, half ran down the slope next to his Jeep where they were standing, covering his shiny black shoes with dust in the process and nearly falling on the seat of his creased shorts.

Criminal prosecutions are conducted in the name of the crown by the Staatsanwlle (state attorneys), who form a separate branch of the judicia) system, and initiate public prosecutions or reject evidence as being insufficient to procure conviction.

When meeting with an attorney about child-support payments, bring copies of bills, bank statements, pay stubs, and tax returns.

In that year he became attorney-general and was returned by Edinburgh, for which he sat till 1841.

In a statement released by Smith's attorney, Lilly Ann Sanchez, the former Playboy playmate was sick for several days, but insisted on "riding it out" and not seeking medical treatment.

In an act of 1859 the practice was thrown open to barristers and to attorneys and solicitors.

It may be noted that it is still common to insert in mortgage deeds what is called an " attornment clause," by which the mortgagor "attorns" tenant to the mortgagee, and the latter thereupon acquires a power of distress as an additional security.

But there's no way to prove it—a good attorney would rip those allegations apart like a wet newspaper.


admit, acknowledge,


deny, disavow, exclude,

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