<< asymptotes asymptotically >>

asymptotic Meaning in Tamil ( asymptotic வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



asymptotic's Usage Examples:

It will be seen that unless the conditions be exactly adjusted for a circular orbit the particle will either recede to infinity or approach the pole asymptotically.

sample containing 25% of nickel no appreciable change was detected; others containing larger percentages, and tested in fields up to 2000, all exhibited elongation, which tended to an asymptotic value as the field was increased.

Dynamo models of our Galaxy as a flattened spheroid have been investigated, using asymptotic analytic methods and high resolution numerical techniques.

)T fl van of Aristotle as an abstraction which we asymptotically approach but never reach.

The origin of co-ordinates 0 corresponds to v 0; and the asymptotic points J, J', round which the curve revolves in an ever-closing spiral, correspond to v co .

Finally, it is on the whole in keeping with Mill's presuppositions to admit even in the case of the method of difference that in practice it is approximative and instructive, while the theoretical formula, to which it aims at approaching asymptotically as limit, if exact, is in some sense sterile.

this shows that the velocity ii will send asymptotically to a certain limit V (called the terminal velocity) such that kVf g.

Our idea relies on the use of adaptive methods that aim at reducing the asymptotic variance of the estimates.

x The involute of the catenary is called the tractory, tractrix or antifriction curve; it has a cusp at the vertex of the catenary, and is asymptotic to the directrix.

The curve is symmetrical about the line x y, and consists of two infinite branches asymptotic to the line x+y+a o and a loop in the first quadrant.

The case of 2BTri, exactly, is therefore a critical case; it may be shown that the instantaneous axis either coincides permanently with the axis of mean moment or approaches it asymptotically.

Those solutions belong (or asymptotically tend) to a certain invariant linear subspace - cluster manifold.

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