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astute Meaning in Tamil ( astute வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


புத்தி நுட்பமுள்ள, தந்திரமுள்ள,

astute's Usage Examples:

Yet he makes some startlingly astute observations during discussion despite his penchant for drawing comparisons with science fiction.

The final debates of 1706 were conducted under apprehensions of an invasion of Edinburgh by highlanders and wild western fanatics of the Covenant; but the astuteness of Harley's agent in Edinburgh, de Foe, the resolution of Argyll and the tact of Queensberry, who easily terrified the duke of Hamilton, carried the measure into haven.

When elected pope, or rather anti pope, by the cardinals of Avignon, on the 28th of September 1 394, it was he who by his astuteness, his resolution, and, it may be added, by his unswerving faith in the justice of his cause, was to succeed in prolonging the lamentable schism of the West for thirty years.

Similarly, you need to develop a thick skin so you can assess market reaction to your product objectively and astutely.

In his attitude towards Arabi, the would-be saviour of Egypt, Abd-ul-Hamid showed less than his usual astuteness, and the resulting consolidation of England's hold over the country contributed still further to his estrangement from Turkey's old ally.

Sam astutely recognized the potentially larger opportunity in mobile bookings and quickly pursued it.

A new friend of his, Fialin, formerly a non-commissioned officer and a journalist, an energetic and astute man and a born conspirator, spurred him on to action.

But he could persevere in an astute policy under the cover of an easy geniality and had no scruples.

An astute referee will have conditioned his mind to totally accept the accuracy of his intuition, which is very rarely proved wrong.

He was an astute businessman who easily could turn a profit.

Van Buren was the most adroit politician of his time; and Jackson was in the hands of very astute men, who advised and controlled him.

He possessed the characteristic vigour and astuteness of the old Arab stock from which he sprang; and in his wife, the renowned Zenobia, he found an able supporter of his policy.

At the same time he astutely avoided offending the party in England which was opposed to James.


smart, sharp, shrewd,


dullness, pointless, soft, stupid,

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