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astonish Meaning in Tamil ( astonish வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பிரமிக்கச் செய், ஆச்சரியப்படுத்து,

astonish தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இலங்கையின் புத்த மதத்தின் தர்மபாலரின் உரை பார்வையாளர்களைப் பிரமிக்கச் செய்த உரையாக அமைந்தது.

astonish's Usage Examples:

William of Tyre was once astonished to find him questioning, on a bed of sickness, the resurrection of the body; and his taxation of clerical goods gave umbrage to the clergy generally.

The sonatas which he wrote for them have astonishing power, and are a mixture of littering elegance and deep profundity.

One is lost in astonishment at the nervous yet perfectly regulated force and the unerring fidelity of every trace of the chisel.

The great navigator and his crew, unacquainted with the character of the Australian aborigines, were not a little astonished that these natives took no notice of them or their proceedings.

"Dear me!" murmured the Wizard, looking at his pets in astonishment.

These are acute sense organs which can detect female pheromones on the air from astonishing distances.

Kiera looked at Evelyn, astonished by her callous words.

It would astonish you to see how many words she learns in an hour in this pleasant manner.

The common story is that Lippershey, happening one day, whilst holding a spectacle-lens in either hand, to direct them towards the steeple of a neighbouring church, was astonished, on looking through the nearer lens, to find that the weathercock appeared nearer and more distinct.

Sofia watched, astonished at the blatant display, and almost didn't prep herself for her first encounter.

Yet his rationale of the tides in De Motibus Stellae is not only memorable as an astonishing forecast of the principle of reciprocal attraction in the proportion of mass, but for its bold extension to the earth of the lunar sphere of influence.


dazzle, astound, amaze, surprise,


dullness, defend, refrain,

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