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assuage Meaning in Tamil ( assuage வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சமனப்படுத்து, குறை, தணி,

assuage தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

அதிக வலிமை மிகு காரங்கள் நீரில் கிட்டத்தட்ட முழுமையாக நீராற்பகுக்கப்பட்டு சமனப்படுத்தும் விளைவில் முடிவடைகின்றன.

இவை வெப்ப ஆற்றலை வெப்ப மண்டலத்தில் இருந்து மிதவெப்ப அகலாங்குகளுக்குக் கொண்டுபோய் சேர்ப்பதால், வட்டார, புவிக் கோளக் காலநிலையைச் சமனப்படுத்துகின்றன.

assuage's Usage Examples:

It will assuage the fears of subscribers worried about publicly associating themselves with fiction.

"He made a mental note to send a piece of jewelry to her hotel room to assuage guilt over the promised phone call that would never happen.

Even the mild grief at the loss of our most regular comedy figure won't assuage the extreme pleasure at his resignation.

He tried to assuage the guilt of wrongdoing by doing right.

In order to assuage the temperamental child, the mother let him pick out a piece of candy.

This fact did little to assuage Jade.

I did what little I could to assuage my guilt.

The firing ~ eme ceased on the following day, but the troubles of the granted people were rather increased than assuaged; murders the and robberies were daily committed by the soldiery, pRSh~tI~ the shops were all shut and some of the streets barricaded.

His power is limitless, his anger at wrong-doing unassuageable, and he is omniscient.

She tried to assuage all feuds; in an inventory of her jewels she left many of them to Darnley, in case she and her child did not survive its birth.

He made a mental note to send a piece of jewelry to her hotel room to assuage guilt over the promised phone call that would never happen.

I am going to assuage my tiredness by drinking some coffee this morning.

Fears of the Chrono Trigger followers were assuaged when this title was released.


amend, ameliorate, meliorate, improve, better, ease, comfort, palliate, soothe, alleviate, relieve,


discomposure, louden, worry, worsen, irritate,

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