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aspirated Meaning in Tamil ( aspirated வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


aspirated's Usage Examples:

The only consonants are k,1, m, n and p, which with the gently aspirated h, the five vowels, and the vocalic w, make up all the letters in use.

The aspirated mediae bh, dh, gh, gh were treated as unaspirated b, d, g, g; probably also the rare aspirated tenues fell together with the unaspirated.

5-cm) diameter (the size of a regular hot dog) are the most dangerous size because they can occlude the trachea (windpipe) if they are aspirated.

By opening the stopcock and lowering the level tube any desired quantity of the gas can be aspirated over.

When the stomach contents moves into the esophagus, there is the possibility that this material will be aspirated into the windpipe, which can cause asthma, pneumonia, and possibly suffocation or sudden death.

Although majority of the cultures from the pus aspirated are positive, a negative culture does not exclude pyogenic abscess.

The old language seems to have pronounced prefixes extensively which in modern pronunciation in central Tibet are largely lost, whilst the soft initials have become aspirated or hardened and tones have developed, and in the west and east, where prefixes and soft initials have been preserved, there are no tones.

000 0 Railways Longitude East 85 of Greenwich word in colloquial pronunciation is aspirated into Bhod or Bhot, and in the modern Lhasa dialect is curtailed into Bho.

The sounds of t and d are more dental than in English, though they vary; the voiced spirants are very soft; the voiceless nasals are aspirated, thus is similar to Eng.

Sometimes, pieces can be aspirated into the lungs, and even though breathing returns to normal, wheezing, chest pain, persistent cough, and pneumonia can develop within a few days due to the foreign body in the lung.




fuse, vowel,

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