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artichokes Meaning in Tamil ( artichokes வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



artichokes's Usage Examples:

artichokes I've ever tasted, in another of their savory tarts.

The potato, not yet a staple article of food, tomatoes, celery, cauliflower, artichokes and other vegetables are now niuch more grown than formerly, chiefly in consequence of the great influx of Europeans, who are the principal consumers.

Even when I accidentally decapitate the artichokes he continues twirling around the various ovens, smiling and dishing out orders.

If someone notices that she gets a headache when she eats MSG—or artichokes, or grasshoppers—that first-person, anecdotal experience will shape her nutritional philosophy.

It may be useful to place a colander, sieve or other device over the pan to keep the artichokes submerged.

eating artichokes in black leather gloves festooned with rings isn't my idea of fun.

From artichokes to arugula, the recipes are cleverly designed to excite even the most experienced food critic.

artichokes in olive oil and coat in the spice mix.

I've had the most delicious artichokes I've ever tasted, in another of their savory tarts.

Plant cauliflower, cabbages, sea-kale, lettuce; and finish the planting of the main crops of potatoes; divide and replant globe-artichokes.

Many other fruits and vegetables contain moderate amounts of Vitamin K, including red cabbage, avocados, dill pickles, kiwi, lentils, kidney beans, cucumbers, leeks, celery, artichokes, peas, and plums.

The plain between the new town and the sea is occupied by large nurseries, an excellent jardin d'acclimatation, and many market gardens, which supply Paris and London with early fruits and vegetables, especially artichokes, as well as with roses in winter.

Serve grilled artichokes with any remaining marinade and garlic mayonnaise.


vegetable, veggie, Cynara scolymus, artichoke plant, globe artichoke, veg, artichoke heart,



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