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arson Meaning in Tamil ( arson வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



arson's Usage Examples:

In politics he was a staunch Federalist, and with Fisher Ames, Timothy Pickering and Theophilus Parsons (all of whom lived in Essex county, Massachusetts) was classed as a member of the "Essex Junto," - a wing of the party and not a formal organization.

After unsuccessful attempts to rid themselves of the mice, the farmers appealed to the United States Biological Survey, and alfalfa hay poisoned with strychnia sulphate was used successfully in the Humboldt Valley in January 1908 and in the Carson Valley, where a similar plague threatened, in April 1908.

BIRR, or Parsonstown, a market-town of King's county, Ireland, on an acclivity rising above the Birr, and on a branch of the Great Southern ' Western railway by which it is 87 m.

It may be derived from a study of Codices 44, 106, 107 in Holmes and Parsons, which diverge from the Vatican text throughout the part indicated.

During his term of office there took place the troubles in Rome concerning the English college and the subsequent Jesuit rule over that institution; and in 1580 the first Jesuit mission, headed by the redoubtable Robert Parsons and the saintly Edmund Campion, set out for England.

In the Prologue to the "Parson's Tale" (so) there is, on the other hand, a mistake of Chaucer's own, which no judicious critic would think of removing, the constellation Libra being said to be "the moon's exaltation" when it should be Saturn's.

At the corner of Broad and William streets stood until 1835 the parsonage in which Aaron Burr was born.

In 14th-century documents it is described as a town or borough governed by a portreeve, who frequently came into conflict with the parson of St John's church, who had become lord of the manor of Yeovil during the reign of Henry III.

Galton and carried on by Karl Pearson and the late W.

The conceptions indicated by Galton have been extended and added to by Karl Pearson, who has also developed the theory of chance so as to provide a means of describing many series of complex results in a simpler and more accurate way than was hitherto possible.

Except, however, where made under parliamentary authority, no composition for tithes, although made between the landowner and the parson or vicar with the consent of the patron and ordinary, bound a succeeding incumbent, the statute 13 Eliz.

This fact led Parsons and other Catholic historians to state that she actually recanted, but she refused to sign Bonner's form without qualification.

Carson, on the other hand, is not against environmental activism per se, but she is far less dedicated to the movement.


fire-raising, combustion, incendiarism, burning,



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