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arrogate Meaning in Tamil ( arrogate வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


உரியதல்லாததை ஏற்றுக்கொள், உரிமையெனக் கேள்,

arrogate's Usage Examples:

It effectually deprived her of the lead in the councils of Europe which she had hitherto arrogated to herself, and so affected the whole course of continental politics.

Having arrogated to himself the practical control of the foreign policy of the nation, Li's yamen became the scene of many important negotiations, and attracted distinguished visitors from all parts of the globe.

Afterwards, as the banks became parcelled out among a host of petty princelings, each of whom arrogated the right of laying a tax on passing vessels, the imposts became so prejudicial as seriously to hamper the development of the shipping.

From 1340 to 1539 its governors asserted a precarious independence, and arrogated the position of sovereigns on their own account.

arrogate that right to himself.

arrogate such powers to himself.

The high-lying moorland of the surrounding district is diversified by picturesque, dales; and Harrogate is not far from many towns and sites of great interest, such as Ripon, Knaresborough and Fountains Abbey.

Ananus incited the people against these robbers, who arrested, imprisoned and murdered prominent friends of Rome, and arrogated to themselves the right of selecting the high priest by lot.

High on the barren crest of the Pennines, where the rocks yield no mineral wealth, except it be medicinal waters, Harrogate, Buxton and Matlock are types of health resorts, prosperous from their pure air and fine scenery.

News from the Harrogate Nursery Fair It's an industry junket for some, a serious buying opportunity for others!For example, Rory left to join the press junket following then Senator Obama's bid to be the Democratic Nominee for President.


request, requisition, quest, call for, claim, take, bespeak, pretend, assign, lay claim,


derequisition, forfeit, dock, charge, ionate,

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