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antisocial Meaning in Tamil ( antisocial வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சமுதாய கோட்பாடுகளுக்கு மாறான,

antisocial's Usage Examples:

Early detection and appropriate intervention, particularly during the preschool years and middleschool years, is the best means of interrupting the developmental trajectory of antisocial behavior patterns.

Multiple risk factors for development and persistence of antisocial behaviors include genetic, neurobiological, and environmental stressors beginning at the prenatal stage and often continuing throughout the childhood years.

High-profile crimes such as the Columbine High School shootings have made most people much more acutely aware of the potential danger involved in young people acting out in a highly antisocial manner.

However, research relating the use of violent video games with antisocial behavior is inconsistent and varies in design and quality, with findings of both increased and decreased aggression after exposure to violent video games.

Although antisocial personality disorder is only diagnosed in people over age 18, the symptoms are similar to those of conduct disorder, and the criteria for diagnosis include the onset of conduct disorder before the age of 15.

Though it is never too late to intervene, researchers warn that if by age eight a child has not learned ways other than coercion to meet his social goals, he has a high chance of continuing with antisocial behavior throughout his lifetime.

The most important goals of treating antisocial behavior are to measure and describe the individual child's or adolescent's actual problem behaviors and to effectively teach him or her the positive behaviors that should be adopted instead.

When the behavior is inflexible, maladaptive, and antisocial, then that individual is diagnosed with a personality disorder.

Covert antisocial behaviors in early childhood may include noncompliance, sneaking, lying, or secretly destroying another's property.

To perpetuate racism and xenophobia through our media is not only antisocial and grossly irresponsible, it is well nigh criminal.

For those adolescents who have both AD/HD and a conduct disorder, up to 25 percent go on to develop antisocial personality disorder and the criminal behavior, substance abuse, and high rate of suicide attempts that are symptomatic of it.

antisocial personality disorder, for example, is more common in men, borderline personality disorder commoner in women.

Unlike school phobia, truancy often occurs with other antisocial behaviors such as shoplifting, lying, and drug and alcohol use.


unsocial, asocial,


unsociability, sociable,

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