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antimony Meaning in Tamil ( antimony வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



antimony தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

நைட்ரசன் தனிமத்தை அதன் கிடைமட்ட அண்டை தனிமங்களான கார்பன் மற்றும் ஆக்சிசனுடனும், அத்துடன் அதன் செங்குத்து அண்டை தனிமங்களான பாசுபரசு, ஆர்சனிக், ஆண்ட்டிமணி மற்றும் பிசுமத் தனிமங்களுடனும் ஒப்பிட்டு நோக்குவது பயனுள்ளதாக இருக்கும்.

கரையும் இயல்புடைய வாயுக்களுக்கு கூடுதலாக புவிவெப்ப மூலங்களில் இருந்து பெறப்படும் வெப்ப நீரானது பாதரசம், ஆர்செனிக், போரான், ஆண்ட்டிமணி மற்றும் உப்பு போன்ற நச்சார்ந்த இரசாயனங்களின் கரைசலை சிறிதளவு கொண்டிருக்கலாம்.

antimony's Usage Examples:

The oxides of lead, barium, zinc and antimony are found perceptibly to retard the rays.

Pure lead is far more readily corroded than a metal contaminated with 1% or even less of antimony or copper.

Its elementary nature was imperfectly understood; and the impure specimens obtained by the early chemists explain, in some measure, its confusion with tin, lead, antimony, zinc and other metals; in 1595 Andreas Libavius confused it with antimony, and in 1675 Nicolas Lemery with zinc.

antimony trioxide promotes charring of the resin, which reduces the formation of volatile gases.

The allotropy of arsenic and antimony is also worthy of notice, but in the case of the first element the variation is essentially non-metallic, closely resembling that of phosphorus.

Bismuth and antimony give (the latter very readily) sesquioxide (Bi 2 O 3 and Sb203, the latter being capable of passing into Sb204).

The metals used in different combinations included tin, aluminium, arsenic, antimony, bismuth and boron; each of these, when united in certain proportions with manganese, together with a larger quantity of copper (which appears to serve merely as a menstruum), constituted a magnetizable alloy.

Diamonds are obtained in Borneo, garnets in Sumatra, Bachian and Timor, and topazes in Bachian, antimony in Borneo and the Philippines; lead in Sumatra, Borneo and the Philippines; copper and malachite in the Philippines, Timor, Borneo and Sumatra; and, most important of all, tin in Banka, Billiton and Singkep.

Volcanic activity in the neighbourhood is further shown by the quantities of pumice-stone drifted on to the south coasts of Kandavu and Viti Levu; malachite, antimony and graphite, gold in small quantities, and specular iron-sand occur.

Volatilized more or less readily when heated beyond their fusing points in open crucibles: antimony (very readily), lead, bismuth, tin, silver.

It is necessary to remove as completely as possible any lead, tin, bismuth, antimony, arsenic and tellurium, impurities which impair the properties of gold and silver, by an oxidizing fusion, e.

Antimony pentoxide is obtained by repeatedly evaporating antimony with nitric acid and heating the resulting antimonic acid to a temperature not above 275° C.


atomic number 51, metallic element, stibnite, metal, Sb,



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