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antennal Meaning in Tamil ( antennal வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



antennal's Usage Examples:

antennal segment s form a distinct club.

All of these are to be regarded as primitively post-oral, but in the course of development the mouth moves back to the mandibular segment, so that the first three somitesocular, antennal and intercalary - lie in front of it.

17), is the mouth or oral piece; the second, explained by the presence of a " latent endoderm-group " in those the antennal segment; the third, the intercalary or prae-mandibular invaginations.

I and 25) have the terminal antennal segments pectinate, and so arranged that the comb-like part of the feeler cannot be curled up, while the elytra completely cover the abdomen.

In the Decapoda, where the antennal gland alone is well-developed in the adult, the maxillary gland sometimes precedes it in the larva.

The number of antennal segments varies from eleven to two.

- A, Front of head of Sawfly (Pachynematus); a, labrum; b, clypeus; c, vertex; d, d, antennal cavities.

The antennal segment apparently entirely disappears, with the exception of a pair of appendages it bears; these become the antennae; it is possible that the original segment, or some part of it, may even become a portion of the actual antennae.

Behind the antennal (or deutocerebral) segment an "intercalary " or tritocerebral segment has been demonstrated by W.

In many genera of springtails a curious post-antennal organ, consisting of sensory structures (often complex in form) surrounded by a firm ring, is to be noticed on the cuticle of the head between the eyes and the feelers.

One of these is the ocular segment, in front of the antennal, and behind the primitive preoral segment.

In the Decapoda the antennal gland is largely developed and is known as the " green gland.

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