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anteater Meaning in Tamil ( anteater வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

எறும்புத் தின்பவை


anteater இவை,

anteater's Usage Examples:

"Of animals still found may be mentioned baboons and monkeys, the leopard, red lynx (Felis caracal), spotted hyena, aard wolf, wild cat, long-eared fox, jackals of various kinds, the dassie or rock rabbit, the scaly anteater, the ant bear (aardvaark), the mongoose and the spring haas, a rodent of the jerboa family.

The tamandua anteaters, as typified by Tamandua (or Uroleptes) tetradactyla, are much smaller than the great anteater, and differ essentially from it in their habits, being mainly arboreal.

The great anteater is terrestrial in habits, not burrowing underground like armadillos.

The anteater 's snout might be different in shape but has the sam 3 on 's.

Jerboa >>Of animals still found may be mentioned baboons and monkeys, the leopard, red lynx (Felis caracal), spotted hyena, aard wolf, wild cat, long-eared fox, jackals of various kinds, the dassie or rock rabbit, the scaly anteater, the ant bear (aardvaark), the mongoose and the spring haas, a rodent of the jerboa family.

As to the Edentata, it is still a matter of uncertainty whether the pangolins (Pholidota) and the ant-bears (Tubulidentata) are rightly referred to an order typically represented by the sloths, anteaters, and armadillos of South and Central America, or whether the two first-named groups have any close relationship with one another.

In the American anteaters and the pangolins among the Edentata no traces of teeth have been found at any age.

The name scaly anteater is applied to the pangolin; the banded anteater (Myrmecobius fasciatus) is a marsupial, and the spiny anteater (Echidna) is one of the monotremes (see Marsupialia and Monotremata).

Of animals still found may be mentioned baboons and monkeys, the leopard, red lynx (Felis caracal), spotted hyena, aard wolf, wild cat, long-eared fox, jackals of various kinds, the dassie or rock rabbit, the scaly anteater, the ant bear (aardvaark), the mongoose and the spring haas, a rodent of the jerboa family.

Emas National Park in Brazil presents excellent wildlife viewing opportunities and remains a stronghold of the seldom seen maned wolf and giant anteater.

The typical and largest representative of the group is the great anteater or ant-bear (Myrmecophaga jubata), an animal measuring 4 ft.

Between the long, extensile, worm-like tongue of the anteaters, essential to the peculiar mode of feeding of those animals, and the short, immovable and almost functionless tongue of the porpoise, every intermediate condition is found.

Synopsis A pangolin is an obscure species of scaly anteater.


placental, eutherian, placental mammal, scaly anteater, eutherian mammal, genus Manis, pangolin, Manis,


aplacental, digitigrade mammal, plantigrade mammal, toothed,

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