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anaconda Meaning in Tamil ( anaconda வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தன் இரையை நெருக்கிக் கொல்லும் பெரிய தென் அமெரிக்கப் பாம்பு,

anaconda's Usage Examples:

Until the end of 1863 the events in these three regions remain distinct episodes; after that the whole theatre of war is comprised in the "anaconda policy," which concentrated irresistible masses of troops from all sides on the heroic remnants of the Confederacy.

There have also been several other cases where people have encountered giant anacondas.

People are breeding and selling potentially dangerous species including anacondas and pythons.

Among the non-venomous species, the commonest are the boa-constrictor, the anaconda (Eunectes murinus) and the ih'.

The good news: you would be very lucky to see an anaconda in the Amazon.

Few friends getting to make more quot anacondas quot.


Eunectes murinus, Eunectes, genus Eunectes, boa,



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