<< amphibious vehicle amphiboles >>

amphibole Meaning in Tamil ( amphibole வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



amphibole's Usage Examples:

amphibole group, crocidolite is made up of blue, straight fibers.

Calcium silicate is also present in the minerals: olivine, pyroxenes, amphiboles, epidote, felspars, zeolites, scapolites (qq.

The regulations also extended the existing prohibition on the supply and use of products containing amphibole asbestos to those containing chrysotile.

Its essential constituents are felspar, quartz and riebeckite - a soda amphibole.

Among the Griquatown series of quartzites, limestones and shales are numerous bands of jasper and large quantities of crocidolite (a fibrous amphibole); while at Blink Klip a curious breccia, over 200 ft.

Often they contain quartz and felspar, sometimes pyroxene, amphibole, garnet or epidote.

Amphibole >>The most common ferromagnesian minerals include olivine, pyroxene, amphibole and mica.

Crocidolite >>Among the Griquatown series of quartzites, limestones and shales are numerous bands of jasper and large quantities of crocidolite (a fibrous amphibole); while at Blink Klip a curious breccia, over 200 ft.

amphibole asbestos to those containing chrysotile.


anthophyllite, actinolite, mineral, amphibolite, hornblende, asbestos, amphibole group, nephrite,



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