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amos Meaning in Tamil ( amos வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



amos's Usage Examples:

His home appears to have been at Samosata.

, is much branched, with elegant white and red flowers of the onagraceous type, in long slender ramose spikes during the late summer and autumn months.

At higher altitudes long, cold, wet winters are experienced, with so short and cold a summer between them that the bleak paramos are left uninhabited except by a few shepherds in the short dry season.

"The squamosals form the posterior outer margin of the orbits and are frequently continued into two lateral downward processes across the temporal fossa.

From the days of Ignatius, down through Paul of Samosata and Lucian to the 'great controversies of the 5th century which began with the theories of Apollinarius, the theologians of Antioch started from the one sure fact, that 1 Coptic Life of Dioscurus (Rev.

At length the consecutive efforts of the navigators employed by Prince Henry of Portugal - Gil Eannes, Diniz Diaz, Nuno Tristam, Alvaro Fernandez, Cadamosto, Usodimare and Diego Gomez - made known the coast as far as the Gambia, and by the end of the 15th century the whole region was familiar to Europeans.

At thirteen, she is under pressure to marry ramose, a dull, plodding stone-cutter.

Starter motors and dynamos, distributors and wiper motors, steering boxes and rack and pinions.

There are also accounts of martyrdoms at Samosata (Assemani, Acta Mart.

No ectopterygoid pterygoid not extending to quadrate; no supratemporal or squamosal; prefrontal forming a suture with nasal; coronoid present; vestiges of pelvis present.

All our menu items, except the papadams, naan and samosas, are gluten free.

"The identity of this Bleheris with the Bledhericus mentioned by Giraldus Cambrensis as Famosus ille fabulator, living at a bygone and unspecified date, and with the Breri quoted by Thomas as authority for the Tristan story, has been fully accepted by leading French scholars.

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