<< amorphophallus campanulatus amorphously >>

amorphous Meaning in Tamil ( amorphous வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


குறிப்பிட்ட வடிவில் இல்லாதிருக்கிற,

amorphous's Usage Examples:

Zirconia can be obtained crystalline, in a form isomorphous with cassiterite and rutile, by fusing the amorphous modification with borax, and dissolving out with sulphuric acid.

It is preferable to use the acid in the presence of amorphous phosphorus, for the iodine liberated during the reduction is then utilized in forming more hydriodic acid, and consequently the original amount of acid goes much further.

The usual method is to make a mixture of amorphous phosphorus and a large excess of iodine and then to allow water to drop slowly upon it; the reaction starts readily, and the gas obtained can be freed from any admixed iodine vapour by passing it through a tube containing some amorphous phosphorus.

Gault >>The Cambridgeshire coprolites are either amorphous or finger-shaped; the coprolites from the Greensand are of a black or dark-brown colour; while those from the Gault are greenish-white on the surface, brownish-black internally.

Of the salts, the normal tungstates are insoluble in water with the exception of the alkaline tungstates; they are usually amorphous, but some can be obtained in the crystalline form.

Well-worn pebbles of amorphous quartz (agate, chalcedony, jasper, 'c.

Reddish brown amorphous powders of the formulae 2FeC1 3NO and 4FeC13NO are obtained by passing the gas over anhydrous ferric chloride.

It forms an amorphous gummy mass, which is decomposed by heat.

), and can be artificially prepared by passing sulphuretted hydrogen through acid solutions of soluble cadmium salts, when it is precipitated as a pale yellow amorphous solid.

698) it exists in three forms: a red amorphous soluble form which results when ammonium metavanadate is heated in a closed vessel and the residue oxidized with nitric acid and again heated; a yellow amorphous insoluble form which is obtained when the vanadate is heated in a current of air at 440° C.

The solid derived from SA is crystalline and soluble in carbon bisulphide, that from S, is amorphous and insoluble.

15H20, but the green solution on evaporation leaves only an amorphous mass.


shapeless, formless, unformed,


W-shaped, L-shaped, ductile, formed,

amorphous's Meaning in Other Sites