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ammonium Meaning in Tamil ( ammonium வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



ammonium தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இதற்காக இலை, தழை, காய்கறி, சுண்ணாம்புக்கல், கடுக்காய், சங்கு, நவச்சாரம், மஞ்சள், போன்ற பொருட்கள் பயன்படுத்தப்பட்டுள்ளன.

ammonium's Usage Examples:

Similar sodium and ammonium compounds are known.

The GM beet was tolerant to glyphosate, the GM maize and oilseed rape were tolerant to glufosinate ammonium.

The inhalation of the fumes of nascent ammonium chloride by filling the room with the gas has been recommended in foetid bronchitis.

Meta-aminophenol is prepared by reducing metanitrophenol, or by heating resorcin with ammonium chloride and ammonia to 200° C.

deposition of nitrate and ammonium, and denitrification are specified in the model.

His method consisted in using magnesia instead of lime for the recovery of the ammonia (which occurs in the form of ammonium chloride in the ammonia-soda process), and then by evaporating the magnesium chloride solution and heating the residue in steam, to condense the acid vapours and so obtain hydrochloric acid.

Boron nitride BN is formed when boron is burned either in air or in nitrogen, but can be obtained more readily by heating to redness in a platinum crucible a mixture of one part of anhydrous borax with two parts of dry ammonium chloride.

Dry guncotton heated in ammonia gas detonates at about 70°, and ammonium hydroxide solutions of all strengths slowly decompose it, yielding somewhat complex products.

It is usually obtained by the distillation of amber, or by the fermentation of calcium malate or ammonium tartrate.

the alkyl chloride formed in this reaction attacks the benzene nucleus and replaces hydrogen by an alkyl group or groups, forming primary amines homologous with the original amine; thus methylaniline hydrochloride is converted into paraand ortho-toluidine hydrochloride, and trimethyl phenyl ammonium iodide is converted into mesidine hydriodide.

This precipitate is insoluble in cold dilute acids, in ammonium sulphide, and in solutions of the caustic alkalis," a behaviour which distinguishes it from the yellow sulphides of arsenic and tin.

By dry distillation it gives ammonium cyanide.


ammonium ion, ammonia,



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