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alternating Meaning in Tamil ( alternating வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



alternating தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ராஜா கடனைத் (திருப்பிக்கொடு-த்து+ஆயிற்று) ஆடலானாள்.

alternating's Usage Examples:

This measurement is applicable to the measurement of high potentials, either alternating or continuous, provided that in the case of alternating currents the high resistance employed is wound non-inductively and an electrostatic voltmeter is used.

apart, the props of the back row alternating with those in front.

of voltage which are performed rapidly during each period by the alternating current.

- Medusae more or less cubical in form, with four perradial rhopalia alternating with four interradial tentacles or groups of tentacles; oral arms short; stomach a wide cavity bearing four interradial groups of phacellae and giving off four broad perradial pouches completely separated from each other by four interradial septa (i.

Realization washed over her in alternating waves of pain and numbness.

When a current is passed through the wire, continuous or alternating, it creates heat, which expands the air in the bulb and forces the liquid up one side of the U-tube to a certain position in which the rate of loss of heat by the air is equal to the rate at which it is gaining heat.

Below these is always a circlet, or traces of a circlet, of plates alternating with the radials, i.

Here we find open plant associations of Haifa or Esparto Grass (Stipa lenacissima) alternating with steppes of Chih (Artemisia herba-alba); and each plant association extends for several scores of miles.

The original material was a fine clay, sometimes with more or less of sand or ashy ingredients, occasionally with some lime; and the bedding may be indicated by alternating bands of different lithological character, crossing the cleavage faces of the slates, and often interrupting the cleavage, or rendering it imperfect.

Howles, who, employing a high tension alternating arc, showed that the effectiveness depended upon the temperature.

alternateour per cent of those with sores were being nursed on an alternating pressure mattress of some sort.


alternate, cyclic, cyclical,


refrain, aperiodic, acyclic, noncyclic,

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