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altars Meaning in Tamil ( altars வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


வணங்குதற்குரிய இடம்,

altars தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


altars's Usage Examples:

" cream "), a mixture of olive oil and balm, used for anointing in the Roman Catholic church in baptism, confirmation and ordination, and in the consecrating and blessing of altars, chalices, baptismal water, 'c.

The place of its performance at Rome was near the site of St Peter's, in the excavations of which several altars and inscriptions commemorative of taurobolia were discovered.

"The more nobly and magnanimously thou conductest thyself, and the less thou vauntest of thy wealth and power, the more readily shall we regard thy wishes both as to the concession of a church in the city and of altars in the church of SS.

the Brahman or superintending priest; the Hotri or reciter of hymns and verses; the Udgatri or chanter; and the Adhvaryu or offerer, who looks after the details of the ceremonial, including the preparation of the offering-ground, the construction of fireplaces and altars, the making of oblations and muttering of the prescribed formulae.

Sulla founded an Isiac college in Rome, but their altars within the city were overthrown by the consuls no less than four times in the decade from 58 to 48 B.

Other cubes of rock, apparently altars, exist in the neighbourhood.

added a colonnade and altars.

The only relics of classical antiquity are the numerous inscribed altars and bases of statues, as well as architectural fragments, which are found scattered in the courtyards and gardens of the houses in the extensive suburbs which now surround the town, the whole of which were comprised within the limits of the ancient city.

chantrye 18th century the church was a " vast building with 10 side altars and several chantries " .

The site has been excavated by the Greek Archaeological Society; it contained a temple, a sacred spring, into which coins were thrown by worshippers, altars and porticoes, and a small theatre, of which the proscenium is well preserved.

aedis or aedes, a temple or house), a small house or temple, - a household shrine holding small altars or the statues of the Lares and Penates.

During the month of August bands of fanatical rioters in various parts of the country made havoc in the churches and religious houses, wrecking the altars, smashing the images and pictures, and carrying off the sacred vessels and other treasures on which they could lay their hands.


construction, high altar, structure,


misconstruction, disassembly, natural object,

altars's Meaning in Other Sites