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allis Meaning in Tamil ( allis வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)




allis தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஒரு தீவிர விலங்கு ஆர்வர்லான, டி ரோஸி ஆலி கேட் அல்லிஸ் என்ற அமைப்பை ஆதரிக்கிறார்.

allis's Usage Examples:

This army was provided with a regular commissariat, cannon' and ballistic machines, and, being constantly on active service, was always in a high state of efficiency.

I have put said Blueberry in a smallish pot of ericaceous compost.

Kepler's Problem, namely, that of finding the co-ordinates of a planet at a given time, which is equivalent - given the mean anomaly - to that of determining the true anomaly, was solved approximately by Kepler, and more completely by Wallis, Newton and others.

The Greeks identified this constellation with the nymph Callisto, placed in the heavens by Zeus in the form of a bear together with her son Arcas as " bear-warder," or Arcturus; they named it Arctos, the she-bear, Helice, from its turning round the pole-star.

The bolt would probably have been fired by artillery such as a ballista, which was a type of large crossbow.

Muller, in the Didot edition of Arrian, 1846), containing the genuine fragments and the text of the pseudo-Callisthenes, with notes and introduction; A.

Wallis Budge (1896, 2 vols.

1804 Lord Cornwallis was sent out as governor-general a second time, with instructions to bring about peace at any price, while Holkar was still unsubdued, and Sindhia was threatening a fresh war.

In the result, Tippoo Sultan submitted when Lord Cornwallis had commenced to beleaguer his capital.

A great change has come over interior ballistics in recent years, as the old black gunpowder has been abandoned in artillery after holding the field for six hundred years.

On the announcement of the fact, Herschel and Challis made known that Adams had already calculated the planet's elements and position.

- Anagallis arvensis (pimpernel).

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