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alliance Meaning in Tamil ( alliance வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


நட்ப தொடர்ப,

alliance தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


alliance's Usage Examples:

In military alliances, however, it is much likelier that when nations choose their friends, they create enemies where there were none before.

Almost three-quarters of all defense spending occurs within NATO countries, meaning the alliance is largely the only military show in town.

landed at Waterford, and came to Dublin and held his court there in a pavilion of wickerwork where the Irish chiefs were entertained with great pomp, and alliances entered into with them.

Having during his stay in Gaul defeated and concluded an alliance with Theodoric the Visigoth, at the beginning of 460 he crossed the Pyrenees for the purpose of joining the powerful fleet which he had collected at Carthagena.

On the 20th of August 1589, in spite of Queen Elizabeth's opposition, she was married by proxy to King James, without dower, the alliance, however, settling definitely the Scottish claims to the Orkney and Shetland Islands.

The decline of military alliances and the rise of economic ones.

"When we who call ourselves Imperialists talk of the British Empire we think of a group of states bound, not in an alliance - for affiances can be made and unmade - but in a permanent organic union.

The English invasions of 1547, undertaken with a view to enforcing the English marriage, gave Mary the desired pretext for a French alliance.

He negotiated an alliance with Parma, Romagna and Tuscany, when other provisional governments had been established, and entrusted the task of organizing an army for this central Italian league to General Fanti.

Very rarely does a dalliance come to a happy end.

up the ides of Prusso-Italian offensive and defensive alliance.

, was in negotiation with him in order to win his support against the Hohenstaufen, and Innocent hoped to find, as Alexius promised, a support and a reinforcement for the Crusade in an alliance with the Greek empire.


organisation, international organisation, United Front, entente, combination, world organisation, global organization, international organization, organization, ally, world organization, popular front, Central Powers, Allies, entente cordiale, coalition, Axis, axis, alignment, alinement, Northern Alliance, bloc, allies,


irrelevance, unrelatedness, detach, repulsion, nonalignment,

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