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alfalfa Meaning in Tamil ( alfalfa வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கிராம்பு போன்ற இலைகள் கொண்ட செடி, மணப் புல் வகை,

alfalfa's Usage Examples:

You can also use alfalfa or rabbit pellets which are absorbent and edible.

The alfalfa crop suffered particularly, the total loss being about "300,000.

Vast areas of land have been ploughed and sown with lucerne (alfalfa); magnificent permanent pasturage has been created where there were coarse and hard grasses in former days, and Argentina has been able to add baled hay to her list of exports.

Organic fertilizers, which add nutrients and organic matter to the soil, include composted pelletized manure, liquid fish and seaweed emulsion, bonemeal, bloodmeal, cottonseed meal and alfalfa meal.

Many common seeds such as alfalfa or mung are easy to find, but others like broccoli sprouts or radish sprouts might be a bit more difficult to procure.

Folic acid can be readily absorbed from raw salad greens such as lettuce, spinach, arugula, alfalfa sprouts, and others.

Trinidad is in a coal and coke and stock-raising region, and alfalfa, frijole and sugar beets are produced in large quantities in the surrounding region, much of which is irrigated.

Then she threw a leaf of alfalfa hay into her stall.

Can I have different mowing regimes on the site?It has been reported that growing alfalfa with regular mowing can eliminate creeping thistle.

In the sierra region, wheat, barley, oats, quinua (Chenopodium quinoa), alfalfa, Indian corn, oca (Oxalis tuberosa) and potatoes are the principal products.

This kit comes with alfalfa, radish, broccoli and mustard seeds, as well as mung bean.

Shawnee is situated in a fine agricultural region, is a shipping-point for alfalfa, cotton and potatoes, is an important market for mules, and has large railway repair shops, and cotton-gins and cotton compresses; among its manufactures are cotton-seed oil, cotton goods, lumber, bricks and flour.

Carmen left Alex with the doe and ducked into the dairy, returning with a scoop of alfalfa pellets she distributed in the long narrow feed trough along the wall.


fodder, lucerne, Medicago sativa,



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