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alerting Meaning in Tamil ( alerting வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



alerting's Usage Examples:

Moreover, the Fitbit Tracker allows you to delve deeply into your sleep habits by alerting you to how many hours you've slept, the quality of sleep you've achieved and the number of times that you have woken up during the night.

bilge alarm had sounded alerting the crew, who managed to abandon the vessel to the liferafts.

The local newspaper reported the case - alerting his wife that he was about to commit bigamy.

Night Terrors sees the apes resting uneasily in a cave, some sixth sense alerting them to strange events outside and they remain apprehensive.

Most scent hounds were used in packs - making a loud, deep baying noise alerting hunters to their location.

overwatching aircraft enhances the survivability of the bounding aircraft by alerting the team member of an enemy sighting or suspicious activity.

keep any investigation discreet to avoid alerting the employe to the fact that they are under suspicion.

Without alerting him, she went to the garage and searched her car.

They may experience problems if given a blood transfusion, and therefore they should wear a Medic Alert bracelet or have some other way of alerting any physician who treats them that they have this disorder.

Pain is your body's way of alerting you to avoid injury.

dissipation of assets must be balanced against alerting the criminal to the existence of the investigation.

She was a risk for revealing the Immortal society to the human world or alerting the demons as to where Kris's strongholds were.

We will discuss the molecular machines called nanites—tiny, molecular-sized robots that will swim around in your body fighting disease, repairing damage, and alerting you to problems (and will likely dramatically increase the human lifespan).


alertness, arousal,


lethargic, asleep, unalert,

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