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alar Meaning in Tamil ( alar வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


இறகு சார்ந்த,


இறகு சார்ந்த,

alar's Usage Examples:

Perhaps the converse is more feasible in some circumstances - that is to say, preventing mosquitoes from having access to malarial persons, and so propagating the parasite in themsevles.

Quinine is much less efficacious in the treatment of post-malarial symptoms, such as neuralgia and haematuria, when no parasites can be detected in the blood.

PATIENTS: A case series of 50 patients with primary alar defects undergoing nasal alar reconstruction.

Sigtuna, lying on the shore of a far-reaching northern arm of Lake Malar, also a royal residence and the seat of the first mint in Sweden, where English workmen were employed by King Olaf at the beginning of the 11th century, was destroyed in the 12th century.

A tingle of alarm went through Rhyn, but his head was too heavy for him to process it.

The malady, moreover, spread eastward with alarming rapidity, and, although it was found to be less disastrous and fatal in Oriental countries than in Europe, the sources of healthy graine became fewer and fewer, till only Japan was left as an uninfected source of European graine supply.

If we put qo Sq' - Vq', then qo is called the conjugate of q', and the scalar q'qo qoq' is called the norm of q' and written Nq'.

On their familiar faces he read agitation and alarm.

The effect of this pronouncement was great, and it alarmed the Afrikanders, who at this time viewed with apprehension the virtual resumption by Cecil Rhodes of his leadership of the Progressive (British) party at the Cape.

With this notation the values of x and y may be expressed in the forms x q q /N q ', gg /Nq', which are free from ambiguity, since scalars are commutative with quaternions.

Malarial fevers are also common, and diseases of the digestive organs, in great part easily preventible, figure among the principal causes of death.

About 1893 he commenced a series of special investigations on the subject of malaria, and by 1895 had arrived at his theory that the micro-organisms of this disease are spread by mosquitos (see 17.

They are dressed in black leotards and sweat pants and, alarmingly, they have bare feet.


winged, wing-shaped, aliform, alary,


wingless, slow, apteral, flightless, apterous,

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