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airn Meaning in Tamil ( airn வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஆற்றிடைத் தீர்வு, ஒரு இலக்கை நோக்கிக் குறி வை, நாம் உயிர் வாழ மூச்சு விடும் வாயு, காற்றுப்படும்படிச்செய், ராகம், வாயு, காற்று,

airn's Usage Examples:

An ' where hest te been, ma bonny bairn?CChe ter le Street  ?a hest er inchester Lune 4 4 Slack i ?uym CasLleford Ocelum Pr.

hae mair men ti help him, an finnd the bairn thay wad, tho thay maun hunt the warld.

The mighty cairngorm Mountains tower above the clear waters of Loch Morlich.

tranquillitytranquility combined with dramatic panoramic views to the Cairngorms National Park mountains awaits you at our self catering cottages.

Texier with the great cairn beneath Old Magnesia; but Sir W.

"They have adopted an extraordinary patois, derived from the language of the Tahitian women who accompanied the mutineers of the" Bounty "to Pitcairn Island, although most of the adults can speak the English language fairly well" (R.

number of cairns, menhirs and one cromlech (near Glanusk).

The three large stones known as "The King's Grave," a hill-fort, and cairns are of interest to the antiquary.

drear stormy days in winter when there was no transport of any kind for country bairns.

They've got order an ye've got a bairn.

Though, in all fairness, ten years had changed some people enormously.

GLAAD has spoken up on the news, congratulating Chastity on his brave decision on how going public with it helps by "…advancing discussions about fairness and equality for transgender people.

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