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agriculturally Meaning in Tamil ( agriculturally வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



agriculturally தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


agriculturally's Usage Examples:

Sadly only around 4250 hectares of agriculturally unimproved grasslands remain in Suffolk -- 1.

Chesapeake Bay covers much land that might otherwise be agriculturally valuable, but repays this loss, in part at least, by its excellent fisheries, including those for oysters.

Wild crop: A plant or plant product that is gathered from a site that isn't maintained agriculturally.

The Eastern Division is the richest part of England agriculturally, it is the part most accessible to trade with the Continent, and that least adapted for providing refuges for small bodies of men in conflict with powerful invaders.

Worcester and Middlesex counties are agriculturally foremost.

The Kano region is the most agriculturally productive part of the country, with increased yields of sorghum, millet, cowpeas and groundnuts.

This province of Cush extended from Napata just below the Fourth Cataract on the south to El Kab in the north, so that it included the first three nomes of Upper Egypt, which agriculturally were not greatly superior to Nubia.

Saxony is one of the most fertile parts of Germany, and is agriculturally among the most advanced nations of the world.

Much land is too rough, too elevated or too arid ever to be made agriculturally available; but irrigation, and the work of the state and national agricultural bureaus in introducing new plants and promoting scientific farming, have accomplished much that once seemed impossible.

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