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aglow Meaning in Tamil ( aglow வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



aglow தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

அவர் உற்பத்தி செய்த மின்சாரத்தால் கோவையின் வீதிகளில் மின்சார விளக்குகள் ஒளிர்ந்தன.

வானில் இருந்து பல வண்ணங்கள் தோன்றி மக்கள் மேல் ஒளிர்ந்தன.

aglow's Usage Examples:

His face, having been bathed in cold water, was all aglow, and his eyes were particularly brilliant.

When the children saw the trees all aglow with brilliant colors they clapped their hands and shouted for joy, and immediately began to pick great bunches to take home.

Doors are intricately carved with Mayan motifs; stained glass windows set the rooms aglow with understated colors.

aglow with red light, went out of the harbor slowly to the applause of the spectators.

Beneath a quiet surface he was fairly aglow with intense convictions and a very emotional temperament.

Tiny teens with their eyes all aglow Know their parents won't be home tonight.

It was nearing Christmas and while New York was aglow, my wife and I were just the opposite; out of sync with the mood of the city.

Then with his strong face aglow in their feeble light, he made a speech in favor of a law to help poor fishermen.

Latin poetry was cultivated with great success by Clement Janicki (1516-1543), but the earliest poet of repute who wrote in Polish is Rej of Naglowice (1505-1569).

When the sun had entirely emerged from the fog, and fields and mist were aglow with dazzling light--as if he had only awaited this to begin the action--he drew the glove from his shapely white hand, made a sign with it to the marshals, and ordered the action to begin.

She vividly pictured herself as Prince Andrew's wife, and the scenes of happiness with him she had so often repeated in her imagination, and at the same time, aglow with excitement, recalled every detail of yesterday's interview with Anatole.

The front walk was banked with crimson petunias, the lawn spring-green and the window-boxed geraniums aglow.

If others are aglow with music, a responding glow, caught sympathetically, shines in her face.


luminous, bright, lucent, lambent,


unintelligent, inauspicious, colorless, unpolished, dull,

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