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aggravate Meaning in Tamil ( aggravate வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


மேலும் கேடாக்கு,

aggravate தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


aggravate's Usage Examples:

These cracks are probably due to shrinkage while setting, aggravated by changes in temperature.

The two most prominent causes assigned for the depression were bad seasons and foreign competition, aggravated by the increased cost of production and the heavy losses of live stock.

The disease is believed to be aggravated by chronic anaemia.

Buying 15 bottles of body wash for your daughter at 25 cents each is a great idea - unless you happen to pick a brand with a fragrance that aggravates her allergies.

"There was no trace of a political idea in these disputes; the mutual hatred of two women aggravated jealousy to the point of causing terrible civil wars from 561 to 613, and these finally created a national conflict which resulted in the dismemberment of the Frankish empire.

So too, in his English in Ireland (1872-1874), which was written to show the futility of attempts to conciliate the Irish, he aggravates all that can be said against the Irish, touches too lightly on English atrocities,and writes unjustly of the influence of Roman Catholicism.

It is extremely useful for children and the aged, but must not be employed in cases of chronic constipation, which it only aggravates, whilst relieving the symptoms.

In the hope of healing the breach, which his success could only aggravate, and for love, he took to wife Mariamne, grandniece of Hyrcanus.

428 reduced it to a condition of gradual decay; and the invasion of the Arabs in the 8th century again brought desolation on the land, which was aggravated by continual misgovernment till the conquest of Algeria by the French in 1833.

According to Diodorus Siculus, Laomedon aggravated his offence by imprisoning Iphiclus and Telamon, who had been sent by Heracles to demand the surrender of the horses.

Other prophets of the same age speak much of dearth and failure of crops, which in Palestine then as now were aggravated by bad government, and were far more serious to a small and isolated community than they could ever have been to the old kingdom.

In 1387 fresh quarrels with Florence on the subject of Montepulciano led to an open war, that was further aggravated by the interference in Tuscan affairs of the ambitious duke of Milan, Gian Galeazzo Visconti.


alter, inflame, modify, worsen, irritate, exasperate, change, degrade, cheapen, exacerbate,


decrease, stiffen, humanize, soothe, better,

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