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adopted Meaning in Tamil ( adopted வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



adopted's Usage Examples:

A new order of battle was adopted - the troops being massed in crescent formation, with a reserve in the shape of a parallelogram ready to strengthen the weakest point.

To eliminate wind as far as possible reciprocal firing was adopted, the interval between the two firings being only a few seconds.

The By Laws were revised in 1926 when the pattern of meetings which still appertain today was adopted.

Haddon, discussing, in Nature (September 1899), a later paper by Dr Meyer in English on the same subject (The Distribution of the Negritos, Dresden, 1899), practically adopted Meyer's views, after an independent examination of numerous skulls.

The method which Fichte first adopted for stating these axioms is not calculated to throw full light upon them, and tends to exaggerate the apparent airiness and unsubstantiality of his deduction.

Some nominative formsDis (anciently Dios, and in the Castilian of the Jews Dlo), Cdrias, Mdrcos, sastre (s a r t 0 r) have been adopted instead of forms derived from the accusative, but the vulgar Latin of the Peninsula in no instance presents two forms (subjective and objective case) of the same substantIve.

Personally I do n't think it looks good, that they 've adopted a siege mentality and battened down the hatches.

"On the contrary, things seem satisfactory, ma cousine," said Pierre in the bantering tone he habitually adopted toward her, always feeling uncomfortable in the role of her benefactor.

Most animal shelters vaccinate the animals before allowing them to be adopted, but in the event you are unsure, take her to your local vet.




biological, native,

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