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admirals Meaning in Tamil ( admirals வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கடற் படைத்தலைவர்,

admirals தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

அந்தக் குழுவில் மலாக்கா கடற் படைத்தலைவர் ஹங் துவா, முக்கிய அமைச்சர்களான சாங் செத்தியா, துன் மாமாட் ஆகியோரும் இருந்தனர்.

admirals's Usage Examples:

In 1897 and 1898 the European admirals forcibly deported consignments of the worst characters back to Bengazi.

The British and French admirals imposed a truce with a view to conciliation, and the king offered the Sicilians the Neapolitan constitution and a separate parliament, which they refused.

The admirals, therefore, decided to stand into the bay and anchor among the Egyptian and Turkish ships.

BARBAROSSA ("Redbeard"), the name given by the Christians to a family of Turkish admirals and sea rovers of the 16th century, - Arouj and Khizr (alias Khair-ed-Din) and Hassan the son of Khair-ed-Din.

It enabled him to create and remunerate adequately a capable official class, which proved its efficiency under the strictest supervision, and ultimately produced a whole series of great statesmen and admirals like Johan Friis, Peder Oxe, Herluf Trolle and Peder Skram.

Penn was recalled from the north, Richard Deane and George Monk were united with Blake as "admirals and generals at sea," and a competent force was collected by the middle of February.

MOROSINI, a noble Venetian family, probably of Hungarian extraction, which gave many doges, statesmen, generals and admirals to the Venetian Republic, and cardinals to the Church.

5) provided that "the admirals and their deputies shall not meddle from henceforth of anything done within the realm, but only of a thing done upon the sea, as it hath been used in the time of the noble prince king Edward, grandfather of our lord the king that now is.

Even then the court as such took no formal shape; but the various admirals began to receive in their patents express grants of jurisdiction with powers to appoint lieutenants or deputies.

"Even then the court as such took no formal shape; but the various admirals began to receive in their patents express grants of jurisdiction with powers to appoint lieutenants or deputies.

Her generals and admirals, Conon, Iphicrates, Chabrias, Timotheus, distinguished themselves by their military skill, and partially recovered their country's predominance in the Aegean, which found expression in the temporary renewal of the Delian League.

the people took the appointment of these lieutenants into their own hands the title was changed from "praefects" to duo viri navales, or "two naval men"; but under the empire the admirals went by their old name of praefects.

admirals clubs at 39 airports in the American Airlines system.


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