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adit Meaning in Tamil ( adit வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


அகம் அணுகு சுரங்கம்,

adit's Usage Examples:

Moreover, in the universal unrest and oversetting of all authority, Christianity itself was in danger of perishing, not only as the result of the cultured paganism of the Renaissance, but also through the brutish ignorance of the common folk, deprived now of their traditional religious restraints.

From adaptations of traditional hairdos to modern edgy styles, there are nearly limitless options for teens today.

in circumference, is celebrated for the tradition that Huayna-Capac, one of the great conquerors of the Inca dynasty, defeated an army of rebellious Carranquis on its shores, and threw so many of their bleeding corpses into it as to turn its waters to the colour of blood.

The Latins further insist on a strict observance of the traditional matter and form.

Canons were adopted, thirty according to the generally received tradition, although the most ancient texts contain but twentyeight, and, as Hefele points out, the so-called twenty-ninth and thirtieth are properly not canons, but repetitions of proposals made in a previous session.

During the lapse of untold generations, despite domestic anarchy and foreign conquest, the Hindu village has in many parts preserved its simple customs, written in the imperishable tablets of tradition.

Al-Mufaddal was a contemporary of IIammad ar-Rawiya and Khalaf al-Ahmar, the famous collectors of ancient Arab poetry and tradition, and was somewhat the junior of Abu 'Amr ibn al-'Ala, the first scholar who systematically set himself to preserve the poetic literature of the Arabs.

The oracle at Delphi was asserted by tradition to have existed before the introduction of the Apolline worship and to have belonged to the goddess Earth (Ge or Gaia).

2 According to the historical traditions it is precisely in the age of Jeroboam II.

The same council defines not indeed dogma but faith - inseparable from dogma - as4 (1) revealed, (a) in Scripture or (b) in unwritten tradition, and (2) taught by the church, (a) in formulated decrees, or (b) in her ordinary magisterium.

Oldfield Cottage is a traditional 17th century Shropshire cottage with guest accommodation in a tastefully converted stable building.

In addition, the installation of TAP is a proactive, preventative approach to pest management as opposed to the traditional reactive approach of spraying pesticides once a pest problem is detected.

I should be a rogue to forfeit all my history and my traditions; and I should be a fool, because I should be hated by my own countrymen and mistrusted by yours.


mine, passage,



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